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WE CARE Physician Peer Support Program

Wellness, Compassion, Acceptance, Resilience, Engagement

Request Physician Peer Support

To speak with one of our trained peer supporters, click the button below to access the confidential request form. 

Access the Request Form

About the Program

As a physician, you face unique challenges and pressures. However, it's important to remember that you don't have to face them alone. The WE CARE Physician Peer Support Program is available to provide the help and support you need. 

Peer Support is one component of actively transforming our UCSDH culture by giving us the opportunity to connect, share challenges, and support each other. When stressed and distressed, most physicians initially prefer to get support from peers rather than mental health providers. Someone who has been there , or is there. 

The WE CARE Physician Peer Support Program is our way of meeting that preference by supporting each other. 

Frequently Asked Questions

To learn more about our program, please visit our FAQ page.

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Meet the Physician Peer Supporters

Meet our dedicated team of trained UCSD Physician Peer Supporters.

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For Additional Support

Physician Peer Support is NOT therapy. It is colleague to colleague connection and support. For additional resources, please see below.

Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) Program

Anonymous online assessments, short-term counseling, and referrals for UCSD healthcare workers experiencing stress, burnout, or depression.

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Headspace Care

Private, on-demand behavioral coaching 24/7 in English and Spanish through your smartphone. Video-based therapy and psychiatry available upon request after initial intake with a Headspace coach.

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Are you in a crisis? Call or Text 988

The 988 Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the US.

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